Now you see it, then you don’t

DSC_0005  This was last week in the garden. Times have changed dramatically in one short week.

DSC_0001  This was the morning fog a few days ago begging you to peek and see what’s under that heavy mist.

20151109_092656  This was this morning’s frost.

The characteristics of fall are encompassing, softly bringing introspection, showing off its in your face color while quickly becoming sparse signaling that the end is near. The garden is like an old friend saying goodbye but that you’ll see again someday. It shows the beauty of time gone by while making us think about the winter that’s coming.

DSC_0045  20151109_092550  Faces that were hidden all summer peeking out now from behind the branches.

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Have a good week!

One of THOSE Weeks

This past week was one of those weeks. You know the kind I mean. You have so much to do that you feel like you’re going in every direction AND you just aren’t feeling well to boot. Of course you do, we all do. I have a spider flower that grows along the walkway entering my home. It’s tall, wispy, is busy growing seed pods from its stems and blows in any direction the wind is blowing. It has a botanical name but I can never remember it.  It seems to reflect and verify that the person who lives here is mimicking its growth pattern by just going in every direction and doing way too much. These flowers are currently shedding their seeds. “Enough” they’re saying. They’re going to take a rest, protect the seeds they dropped, engage in a little self care, and then work on their own strength to prepare for next year’s show. Lots to do but because it’s for themselves, you can’t see it. This season of all that blowing everywhere and anywhere is ending for now.

Have a good week.

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