Sometimes the bad comes with the good

Have you ever done something that you thought was a great thing but alas, some bad stuff came with it?
I recently quit smoking (yes, hurray for me!!!!). I have been trying to quit for a very long time so I decided to go to a hypnotist. She was terrific. I walked in a smoker and a few hours later I walked out a non-smoker. How easy is that? Very, right? Well, it wasn’t as easy as I expected it to be. Yes, it is a wonderful thing that with her help I was finally able to quit something that I had been trying to give up for a very long time – a very, very good thing. I’m getting high fives from everyone who finds out. Of course everyone finds out because I tell everyone, even strangers in the grocery line, so I can get more accolades. Too bad for them if they are trying to find out what’s really happening with Camilla and Charles while they are waiting to checkout; but they NEVER read those anyway, he-he. Anyway, I’m pretty proud of this feat but along with it has come some bad stuff that I didn’t expect. My BFF pointed out to me today that I haven’t been my usual jovial, happy, pleasant self. Really?!?! She actually commented that I have been a little difficult, hmmmfph – but she’s my BFF so she does know me. As it turns out, I realized that change usually brings both good and some not so good. The lottery, marriage, divorce, new babies, new home, quitting a bad habit – all of these potentially good things bring some bad with them – who knew. For now, I guess everyone will just have to deal with my “not always so nice self” until this phase passes because hopefully now they’ll have to deal with me just a little longer. 🙂

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